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Showing records 1 through 30.

Psalm 45

Psalm 45

by Dennis Stevenson

Gal 6:2-5 Bear One Anothers burdens

Gal 6:2-5

by Bryan Martin

Daniel 2: Dare to be a Daniel

Dare to Stand Firm when all is Uncertain

by Geoff Hohneck

Daniel 1: Dare to be a Daniel

Dare to Stand Firm in an Influential Culture

by Geoff Hohneck

Gal #47 The Ministry of Restoration Pt 2

Galatians 6:1

by Bryan Martin

Gal #46 The Ministry of Restoration Pt 1

Gal 6:1

by Bryan Martin

Gal #45 Fruit of the Spirit Pt 7: Self-control

Gal 5:22-23

by Bryan Martin

Gal #44 Fruit of the Spirit Pt 6: Gentleness

Gal 5:22-23

by Bryan Martin

Gal #43 The Fruit of the Spirit Pt 5: Faithfulness

Galatians 5:22-23

by Bryan Martin

The Danger of Pride - Blake Adams

Daniel 4:28-37

by Blake Adams

Finishing Well - Mike Brown

2 Tim 4:6-8

by Mike Brown

Gal #42 Fruit of the Spirit Pt 4: Kindness & Goodness

Galatians 5:22-23

by Bryan Martin

Christmas Service-Geoff Hohneck

Geoff Hohneck

by Geoff Hohneck

Gal #41 Fruit of the Spirit Pt 3: Patience & Theology of Fruitbearing

Galatians 5:22-23

by Bryan Martin

Gal #40 Fruit of the Spirit Pt 2: Love, Joy, Peace

Gal 5:22-23

by Bryan Martin

Gal #39 Fruit of the Spirit Pt 1: Overview

Galatians 5:22-26

by Bryan Martin

Gal #38 Walk by the Spirit Pt 3

Galatians 5:16-21

by Bryan Martin

Gal #37 Walk by the Spirit Pt 2

Gal 5:16-18

by Bryan Martin

Gal #36 Walk by the Spirit Pt 1

Galatians 5:16

by Bryan Martin

#35 Use your Freedom in Love

Galatians 5:13-15

by Bryan Martin

Gal #34 Don't Lose or Abuse your Freedom

Gal 5:13-15

by Bryan Martin

A Living Sacrifice - Geoff Hohneck

Rom 12:1-2

Comfort Through Character

Comfort Through Character

by Josh Ens

Christ's Love for His Own

Mark 6:45-56

by Bryan Martin

Gal #33 You were running well Pt 3

Gal 5:11-12

by Bryan Martin

Gal #32 You were running well Pt 2

Gal 5:7b-10

by Bryan Martin

Gal #31 You were running well Pt 1

Gal 5:7a

by Bryan Martin

Gal #30 Waiting for the hope of Righteousness

Gal 5:5-6

by Bryan Martin

Gal #29 The Responsibility of Freedom

Gal 5:2-4

by Bryan Martin