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Showing records 31 through 60.

"Church Matters" Msg. 11: The Roles of Men and Women in the Church Pt. 2

Genesis 2:8-25; 1Timothy 2:8-15

by Bryan Martin

"Church Matters" Msg. 10: The Roles of Men and Women in the Church Pt. 1

Genesis 1:26-28; 1 Timothy 2:8-15

by Bryan Martin

Generation Wicked: An Unbelieving People

Matthew 12:38-45

by Bryan Martin

"Church Matters" Msg. 9: Church Discipline

Matthew 18:15-20

by Bryan Martin

Christ's Resurrection and Ours

John 11:20-27

by Josh Ens

Timothy's Solemn Charge

2 Timothy 4:1-8

by Blake Adams

"Church Matters" Msg. 8: Church Membership Pt. 2

Various Scriptures

by Bryan Martin

"Church Matters" Msg. 7: Church Membership Pt. 1

Various Scriptures

by Bryan Martin

Biblical Reminders from a Terrorist Attack

Various Scriptures

by Bryan Martin

Numbers Msg. 4: "Defiled"

Numbers 5:1-11

by Jeff Hoskins

"Church Matters" Msg. 6: Worship and Music in the Church

Various Scriptures

by Dennis Stevenson

"Church Matters" Msg. 5: Baptism and the Lord's Supper

Various Scriptures

by Bryan Martin

"Church Matters" Msg. 4: Church Leadership

1 Timothy 5:21-25; 1 Peter 5:1-5

by Bryan Martin

"Church Matters" Msg. 3: The Purpose of the Church

Various Scriptures

by Bryan Martin

"Church Matters" Msg. 2: Biblical Metaphors for the Church

Colossians 1

by Bryan Martin

"Church Matters" Msg 1: Introduction

Various Scriptures

by Bryan Martin

The Kingdom Shall Be the Lord's (Obadiah Pt. 2)

Obadiah 15-21

by Josh Ens

Cursed Are the Proud of Heart (Obadiah Pt. 1)

Obadiah 1-14

by Josh Ens

Mary's Example in Worship

Luke 1:46-55

by Dennis Stevenson

Numbers Msg. 3: "Encamped"

Numbers 2:1-34

by Jeff Hoskins